Universal Acceptance WorkShop – on 24th & 25th January 2023 at Slida from 8.30am to 4.30pm

Universal Acceptance Local Initiative Project Next Workshop will be held on 24th January, 2023 at Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA), Colombo 07.

Following topics will be discussed.

  • Introduction to Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA) 
  • UA local Initiative in Sri Lanka and LGR Panel work
  •  DNS Essentials and demonstration
  • Introduction to IDNA2003 vs IDNA2008
  • Introduction to Email Address
    Internationalization (EAI)
  •  EAI Configuration and demos
  • Configurations/Troubleshooting based on different MTA and MUA software (e.g. Postfix, Outlook, Roundcube, etc.)
  •  IDN registration process in Dot Lanka and Dot Illangai